The impertinent reality of Zingaro

"Its caravans, its music, its horses give him the appearance of a circus but here the show is a rite, the music a vocation and love of horses a religion. It is the work of artists' tribe every inch and hoofs. All these wonderful beings make of the myth Zingaro an impertinent reality. " Bartabas
From the Cabaret to the Theater Since the first Equestrian Cabaret in 1984 to Ex Anima and throught all the shows presented by the company, they mix with the equestrian theater, dance, musics of the world, the poetry and many other artistic disciplines; as much vector of feelings and invitations in the journey. Attend a show of Zingaro is a singular experience. To penetrate under the big top, to walk on sand under its feet, to find its place in the semi twilight and to hear far off the neigh of horses, the rustle of reins, jingle of bits, banging rises from clogs, the whisper of the public which settles down, to smell the animal odors floating under the tent… Almost a symphony, a rite. And the strange impression, by going out dazzled by the arena to still feel like floating a little in a dream.

Our partners

In connection with the artistic and cultural politics of the big French and international institutions, we built over the years narrow relations with them; what has allowed us to be one of the European companies which tours most in the world.

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