Cabaret de l’exil, Bartabas, Alfons Alt



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Portrayed by Alfons Alt


Total adventure in the heart of an ageless story; for almost forty years, Zingaro has continued his theatrical journey.
To offer oneself to the public on horseback is to speak with them; invent an immemorial language …
An exchange beyond words, when the language of men is led to disappear and be reborn with the winds of history.


Exile almost always leads to the enrichment of one’s own roots, it imposes a rebirth, a detachment from one’s ancestral ties. Receiving this new sap requires courage and openness.

This first “Cabaret of Exile” celebrates Yiddish culture and its klezmer music; a nomadic world in reference to the perpetual uprooting of the Jewish people.

Yiddish, the language of exile par excellence, is today a dying language that may one day be reborn. As Bashevis Singer said with his devastating and devastating humor, when presenting his Nobel Prize for Literature: “I am often asked why I write in such a dead language. Why ? Because I believe in the resurrection. Not just in the resurrection of tongues, but in the resurrection of men. A dying tongue… perfect for those who are neither alive nor dead: ghosts! Nothing fits a ghost story better than a dying tongue. The more the language is dead, the more the ghosts are alive. ”


Inspired by the bestiary of this “Cabaret of Exile”, Alfons Alt reveals beyond nostalgia, which crosses time to imprint our souls, a real resurrection.